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Is Water Enough?

There is no more important nutrient for the human body than water.


No other substance is as widely involved in the processes and constitution of the body. The body is about 60% water, the blood is 83% water, while the brain is comprised of about 75% water.

Some of the functions of water include:

  1. Transportation - nutrients and wastes

  2. Protection - particularly the joints and maintenance of mucous barriers

  3. Chemical reactions - such as pH regulation and digestive enzymes

  4. Electrolyte balance - such as sodium and potassium

  5. Temperature regulation

  6. Cell respiration - energy production


Our brains signal thirst when the fluid levels of the body become too low or the osmolyte levels (like salt) become too high. The urge to drink is naturally frequent and if ignored becomes increasingly urgent. Nevertheless, many people declare that they do not drink much water and are rarely thirsty. Why? The body will tend to adapt to a state of dehydration and the desire to drink recedes. It is so important to reactivate thirst and reawaken the urge to drink and hydrate.

The hypothalamus and thirst

The hypothalamus is known to secrete a peptide hormone called ADH (anti-diuretic hormone), also known as vasopressin, which is responsible for direct control of water balance. ADH plays a key role in the regulation of water and sodium in the blood. Without ADH, little water is reabsorbed and dilute urine is excreted. Anything that stimulates ADH secretion also stimulates thirst.

The adrenals, stress and hydration

The adrenals have an important role, along with the thyroid, in creating the energy that is essential in maintaining fluid balance. The adrenals also secrete key hormones, including aldosterone. Aldosterone regulates water levels and the body’s concentration of minerals, such as sodium and potassium, which assist with hydration and the balance of which are crucial to the prevention of heart attacks and stroke.

The adrenals are also responsible for regulating the stress response. Stress is so common today that it is chronic for many people, creating a state of adrenal fatigue. When the body is stressed, more aldosterone and sodium circulate in the system. Once the stress subsides, aldosterone levels fall and sodium must leave the bloodstream. The sodium passes through the kidneys and exits the body in urination, removing water with it. This may occur even if water is still needed in the body.

Experiencing high levels of stress on a regular basis can weaken the adrenals and dehydrate the body (alongside other chronic effects).

This is why replacing water alone may not give you the hydration that you so desperately need!



ReHydration is a homeopathic combination formula for the symptoms associated with fluid imbalances. It helps the body use water more effectively and restore balance to the system, immediate aiding in the repair and reversal of adrenal fatigue and other associated symptoms.


If you feel you are experiencing frequent stress, chronic stress or severe fatigue you may like to try a combination of Rehydration and Adrenal Tone, a power couple helping a range of symptoms that come with chronic stress and adrenal fatigue from exhaustion to sleeplessness. You can find out about any of the energetix products including Rehydration and Adrenal Tone here


If you would like to order Rehydration or Adrenal Tone in response to this information simply email us at and quote IS WATER ENOUGH? To receive 10% off your order.

To purchase Energetix products you will require a free consultation via email or phone where we can confirm that it will be of benefit to you. It is our duty to maintain proper and necessary use of our products and we certainly do not want anyone wasting valuable resources on products that might not benefit them at this moment in time.


Dale Rutherford: The UK's only Elite DIplomate B.E.S.T. practitioner

Find me on Facebook and Twitter @BeyondPhys1cal

You can also watch videos on youtube and by clicking here

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this blog are the opinions of the writers and not intended to take the place of other medical opinion. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information and we encourage you to make your own health care decisions based on your research in partnership with a qualified professional.

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